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Communal India makes Security Forces and Kashmiri Separatists etc to engage in futile war of words

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 17 Février 2017

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- Resistance-trio Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik will be anti-Kashmiris if follow same policies after over 5 months of shutdown in 2016 in Kashmir

---Indian Army Chief General Rawat reportedly said on February, 16 that – “security forces in Jammu and Kashmir were facing higher casualties due to the manner in which the local population was preventing them from conducting the operations and at times even supporting the terrorists to escape. We would now request the local population that people who have picked up arms, and they are the local boys, if they want to continue with the acts of terrorism, displaying flags of ISIS and Pakistan, then we will treat them as anti-national elements and go helter-skelter for them”.

Some political parties (national and from Kashmir) objected this statement of Gen. Rawat and said that – “This aggressive, hot-headed statements of Gen. Rawat would fuel the spurt in local militancy in Kashmir and make the challenge of engaging with the youth insurmountable,” Kashmiri Separatists also objected to this statement of Gen. Rawat and said that - “this an apparent threat to carry out spree of civilian killings”,

Of-course presently Indian media especially electronic is also discharging its ‘duty’ on TV debates (in which military veterans are in quite a numbers) by raising the decibel level about patriotism and nationalism and in the process brow-beating anyone who questions Indian policy on Kashmir (especially Kashmiris) by even labeling them anti-national.

People do not understand that this unfortunate situation in Kashmir will not go away unless chronic and gory Kashmir problem is solved by unification of Kashmir. But so-called secular but in realty communal India never tried to retrieve PoK for the last 70 years for the simple reason that (unlike Hindu majority Goa) PoK is Muslim majority.

Kashmir problem will be solved only when some genuinely secular political party emerges in India which will endeavor for retrieve of PoK (even militarily if necessary) as generally mentioned at

Because entire national life got disturbed due to demonetization from November 8, 2016, the work for launching ‘United India Party’ (UIP) got disrupted. Now when disruptive effects of demonetization are mostly over Kashmiris (and people of J&K) especially the Separatists the Resistance-trio Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik should take keen interest in the launch of UIP from Kashmir.

Otherwise Resistance-trio Geelani-Mirwaiz-Malik will be considered anti-Kashmiris if they follow the same policies which they unsuccessfully followed before and during over 5 months of shutdown in 2016 in Kashmir which caused immense hardship to Kashmiris.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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