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BBC Africa special programmes from Zambia

- 24 Mai 2016

BBC Africa special programmes from Zambia
BBC Africa will bring audiences special programming from Zambia this month, featuring a debate on Africa’s water crisis and special broadcasts of Focus on Africa live from Lusaka.

Today’s editions of Focus on Africa will broadcast at 1600, 1800 and 2000 in Zambia (1500, 1700 and 1900GMT) and come live from Lusaka.  Further Zambian broadcasts will follow in the week.  The programmes will include a look at the issue of water management and of the importance of access to sanitation for young women in education; relations between Zambians and the Rwandan diaspora; and the key issues shaping the election campaign which launched officially last week.

The May edition of BBC Africa Debate – the flagship current affairs discussion programme on BBC World Service radio - will come from Lusaka, Zambia, and look at the availability of water, sanitation and toilets in Africa. Presenters Rebecca Kesby and Akwasi Sarpong will be joined by an invited audience and a distinguished panel, including Kapumpe-Valentine Musakanya, CEO of Toilet Yanga; minister for Local Government and Housing, Stephen Kampyongo; and Pamela Chisanga, Water Aid’s Country Director for Zambia, to discuss how Africa will solve its water crisis. Further details here. The programme can be heard on the BBC World Service on Fri 27 May at 1900GMT and online at, listeners from around the continent can also join in with the discussion by using the hashtag #BBCAfricaDebate on social media.

Pour toute information, contactez-nous au : +(235) 99267667 ; 62883277 ; 66267667 (Bureau N'Djamena)


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