English News

BRICS countries to embrace a more energetic ‘golden decade’: People’s Daily

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 4 Septembre 2017

Over the past 5 years, China has hosted a series of big home-field diplomatic events, contributing its wisdom and plans to reforming and perfecting global governance and promoting the construction of a more fair and reasonable international order. “China is a responsible country,” The Economist said.

Source: People's Daily

“BRICS countries will enter a second decade of more vibrant growth,” the People’s Daily reiterated Chinese President Xi Jinping’s expectations in a commentary published under the byline of “Guo Jiping” on Monday.

Xi made the remarks in his keynote speech delivered at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum on September 3, an important side-event of the ninth BRICS Xiamen Summit that kicked off on Monday.

The paper, in the article, expounded on Xi’s speech and discussed ways to further expand BRICS cooperation.

Its abstract translation is as follows:

Since the birth of modern international relations, the international order has long been dominated by great powers, especially Western countries. Now, that page of history has been turned over as more and more developing countries have come to the fore.

The International Monetary Fund said in its latest World Economic Outlook in July that the economic growth for developed countries will be 2 percent this year and 1.9 percent next year, while the forecast growth for emerging and developing economies will be at 4.6 percent this year and 4.8 percent next year.

It has become a normal phenomenon that the growth for the emerging and developing economies is more than two times of their developed counterparts. Over the past decade, the BRICS countries have contributed over 50 percent to global growth, meaning billions of people’s lives have been improved in the non-Western world.

The BRICS concept was turned into a formal cooperation framework in September 2006, when foreign ministers of China, Russia, India and Brazil held the first meeting during the UN General Assembly.

Over the past 10 years, the BRICS cooperation has been continuously deepened and consolidated, bringing benefit to peoples of the five countries and making significant contributions to boosting the world economy, perfecting global governance and promoting democracy in international relations.

As former French President Jacques Chirac once said, the world has undergone historic changes and emerging market economies have burst onto global economic stage. “Dealing with global affairs, we cannot and should not cast them aside,” he said.

Looking around the world, when the Western countries are in chaos and challenged by economic downturn, the effective governance and headway of the emerging and developing countries have become especially impressive.

During the previous five BRICS summits, President Xi has put forward four cooperative targets of building a big market of trade and investment, promoting smooth flow of currency and finance, improving connectivity of infrastructure and building close bond between the people, advocated an open, cooperative and inclusive spirit of BRICS cooperation, and called on BRICS countries to build a four-pronged partnership -- safeguarding world peace, boosting common development, promoting diversified civilization and strengthening global economic governance.

How to follow the historical trend, promote common development for the world and let more emerging and developing countries participate in global governance? During the Xiamen Summit, the BRICS countries would for the first time conduct a dialogue with representative emerging and developing countries in a bid to expand South-South cooperation.

The “BRICS Plus” model will not only benefit more developing countries with a more stable, open and inclusive environment but also allow them to board on the fast train of other partners. It will also give fuller play to their role and help elevate their right to speak and representation. China’s active propositions have been widely recognized and warmly welcomed.

In such a big world with so many problems to solve, the international community expects to hear China's voice and see China's solution. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi has made a profound analysis of external opportunities and challenges facing China, taken into account both China’s domestic and international interests, and attached importance to both development and security.

Over the past 5 years, China has hosted a series of big home-field diplomatic events, contributing its wisdom and plans to reforming and perfecting global governance and promoting the construction of a more fair and reasonable international order. “China is a responsible country,” The Economist said.

(Guo Jiping is a well-known pen name used for People’s Daily editorials meant to outline China’s stance and viewpoints on major international issues.)

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