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Bengaluru, India : Will someone remove confusion about ‘Identity Certificates’ from J&K Govt?

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 23 Décembre 2016

Sub:- Will someone kindly remove this confusion about ‘Identity Certificates’ from Government of J&K (ii)- Without retrieving PoK violating Article 370 is unpatriotic

---- In view of on-going political controversy regarding the change of status of the so-called West Pakistan Refugees (WPR), the J&K Government through its Minister and Spokesman Naeem Akhtar reportedly said in a statement – “[The refugees who settled in Jammu and Kashmir, in the aftermath of the partition of the subcontinent, include those from PoK and West Pakistan. While the refugees from PoK have the status of the permanent residents of the State, those from West Pakistan are not entitled to permanent residence as they are not the domiciles of Jammu and Kashmir. Given their present status, the WPR are entitled to vote in the Parliament elections, but can’t exercise their franchise in the state assembly polls. The WPR can’t apply for any job within the State, because of being non-state subjects. To facilitate them to get jobs in paramilitary forces and other central government establishments, the Government has issued them Identity Certificates which is in the same format as exists in the voter list for the Parliamentary polls]”.

But this statement of J&K Government (which is trying to say that it is not tinkering with Article 370) creates more confusion than remove it. If these WPRs are already voting in Parliament Elections then they are already citizens of India and must be having or can have ‘Voter’s Photo Identity Cards’ (VPIC) like any other Indian in rest of India. Moreover when they are already the citizens of India then how can they still be termed as ‘Refugees’ in India.

So when these WPRs already have an identity card (VPIC) as an Indian citizen (which is enough for them to get jobs in paramilitary forces and other central government establishments) then where is the need for them to have ‘Identity Certificates’ from Government of J&K? For example so many people from rest of India work in J&K but if they want or get any job in any central government establishment then these Indian citizens of other States will not require ‘Identity Certificate’ from J&K Government.

Will someone kindly remove this confusion about ‘Identity Certificates’ from Government of J&K?

[Because this matter is extremely explosive and important as without retrieving PoK violating Article 370 of the Constitution in any way is unpatriotic. Because once Article 370 is unchallenged attacked from back-door it will pave the way for changing the demography of J&K (ultimately of Muslim Kashmir valley). This demography change is what coward Hindu India wants because it thinks that it will enable India to forget about Muslim PoK {and after changing demography of Kashmir in favor of Hindus the coward Hindu majority India (which does not have courage to retrieve Pok from Pakistan, one sixth of India) erroneously thinks that it will solve the problem of Kashmir}. These naïve & coward Indians do not understand that only solution to Kashmir problem is to retrieve PoK by launching ‘United India Party’ as mentioned at:- ]


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India.

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