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Civil society explain how to make international fora compatibile with the Paris Agreement

- 25 Mai 2016

Civil society explain how to make international fora compatibile with the Paris Agreement
May 24, Bonn, Germany - Today expert observers from Climate Action Network, at the UN climate negotiations, explained how international fora outside the UNFCCC can get in-line with the goals accepted by 196 countries in the Paris climate agreement. They discussed the ramifications for the Montreal Protocol, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the G7 and the G20.

“The biggest international climate win in our sights this year is a global deal to phase down super heat-trapping pollutants under the Montreal Protocol. A global phasedown promises to avert the use and production of HFCs equivalent to 100 billion tons of carbon dioxide by mid-century, a benefit similar to halting the entire planet’s carbon dioxide emissions for 3 years. This could be a huge win for our efforts to put us on a much safer climate path and continue the momentum from Paris.” Jake Schmidt, international climate policy director at Natural Resources Defense Council.

“An agreement to cap emissions from international aviation, the fastest growing global sector, will be a significant step forward and essential to meet the Paris climate objectives and limit climatic disruptions.” Mark Lutes, senior climate advisor at WWF.

"This year’s G20 will be vital to bridge the ambition and urgency conveyed by the Paris Agreement and the social economic choices made by the largest economies in the world. Under the Chinese presidency, G20 countries have a critical opportunity to shift the narrative of growth. Progress should be made to align G20 countries economic planning and investment decisions with the Paris vision, in particular the 1.5C degree goal." Li Shuo, senior climate & energy policy officer for Greenpeace East Asia.

"All G7 countries must work to ensure early entry into force of the Paris Agreement, giving it the full force of international law. They should abide by the principles of the new global climate regime by quitting coal, something they can make plain through the delivery of mid-century plans. There is increasing political traction amongst governments towards this - the US and Canada have promised to get going this year, Germany will follow suit, and we are seeing promising signs from France - but G7 hosts Japan are lagging way behind." Liz Gallagher, Programme Leader at E3G

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