Out of the new cases 106 are males and 83 are females. The youngest is 5 year old & the oldest is 71. The positive cases are from; Nairobi 147, Kiambu 20, Machakos 11, Kajiado 5, Mombasa 2, Uasin Gishu, Kisumu, Laikipia and Kericho have one (1) case each. Read more on https://africa-newsroom.com/press/coronavirus-kenya-new-cases-by-counties?lang=en
Out of the new cases 106 are males and 83 are females. The youngest is 5 year old & the oldest is 71. The positive cases are from; Nairobi ...
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Appa-sourceTheAfric...