English News

Vulnerable countries & youth kick-off for climate justice at UN negotiations

25th May - Bonn, Germany. Today Adriana Murillo Ruin, head of the Costa Rican delegation at the UNFCCC and representing...

BLK Super Speciality Hospital inks pact with Tanzania’s largest cardiac Institute

MoU would establish educational, scientific and medical cooperation for excellence. Dar Es Salaam, May 25, 2016:...

Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals in 2016: 191,134; Deaths 1,370

Italy - IOM reports an estimated 191,134 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea in 2016 through 21 May, arriving...

As Air Pollution Levels Rise by 8%, Action on Renewables, Cook Stoves and Clean Fuels Bring Hope of Tackling Public Health Emergency

Mixed progress on air quality still falls far short of what is needed to save 7 million lives each year Nairobi, 24 May...

BBC Africa special programmes from Zambia

BBC Africa will bring audiences special programming from Zambia this month, featuring a debate on Africa’s water crisis...

Former Mossad director reveals that Israel's top generals want Hamas to run Gaza‏

Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad, says the appointment of Avigdor Lieberman as Israel’s defense minister could...

New Global Partnership for Preparedness Launched: V20, UN and World Bank Collaboration to help countries get ready for future disasters

Istanbul, Turkey - Tuesday, May 24, 2016 A major new partnership to better prepare countries and communities for...

Explosive development in India has huge potential of attracting ISIS in SAARC

Sub:- (i)- ISIS got tremendous boost by killing 150 in regime controlled territory having Russian bases in Syria (ii)-...

West Africa: Evolving jihadist strategy increases threat to regional capitals‏

PGI Intelligence’s latest Insight report is now available on the increased threat of terrorism to capitals in West...

Former Obama spy chief supports Trump’s proposal for US Muslim immigration ban‏

(Washington DC – 20 May 2016) General Michael Flynn, former head of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)...

Civil society experts set expectations on first day of UN climate negotiations in Bonn

May 16, Bonn, Germany - This UN climate negotiations, kicking off today in Bonn, represent the first time governments...

Poor countries to bear brunt of climate change despite emitting least CO2

Many of the world’s poorest countries are expected to experience daily heat extremes due to climate change sooner than...

New Emission Commitments Required to Realize Paris Agreement

Climate Vulnerable Forum calls for immediate steps to higher ambition emission contributions (INDC/NDCs) at Bonn UN...

US is 'not neutral' and doesn't 'claim to be neutral' in negotiations with Palestinians - Indyk tells Al Jazeera‏

Martin Indyk, former US special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiation and a key player in US-Israel relations for...

CAR: How Karim Meckassoua brokered votes to be the speaker of the parliament

Marie-Pierre Coppens BANGUI (LNC) – It is a massive scandal that actually shakes the very highest levels of the state...
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POINT DE VUE - 03/12/2024 - Aliou Tall, Président du RADUCC (Réseau Africain de Défense des Usagers, des Consommateurs et du Citoyen)

Thiaroye 44 : manifeste pour la nationalité française des descendants de tirailleurs

Le Tchad en première ligne : Mahamat Idriss Deby et la lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel Le Tchad en première ligne : Mahamat Idriss Deby et la lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel 15/08/2024 - Alwihda

ANALYSE - 20/01/2025 - Ahmad Youssouf Ali

La plateforme TikTok est-elle la bienvenue au Tchad ?

Tchad: comprendre la victoire du MPS aux  législatives 2024 Tchad: comprendre la victoire du MPS aux législatives 2024 16/01/2025 - Olivier Noudjalbaye Dedingar, Expert-consultant international, humanitaire et journaliste indépendant.