English News

Gather unified strength to defeat coronavirus

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 8 Mars 2020

It is a trial of strength between human race and the virus, and we must stay strong. We must cultivate the awareness of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and work together through weal and woe. It is believed that the community with a shared future for mankind will finally defeat the epidemic and prosper the existence and development of the mankind.

By He Yin

China is demonstrating to the world its powerful spirit in its fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

The goggles-covered eyes of the medics are full of dedication, despite the skin creases and sore marks left on their faces. Community workers and volunteers are also running between residential complexes in the cities to contribute their power. These scenes, emotional and shocking, will be remembered by history. Such powerful spirit released amid the epidemic is encouraging both the nation and the world.

“They all shared this sense of responsibility, accountability to be part of this,” said Bruce Aylward, Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). As the team lead of a WHO-China joint mission on COVID-19, he shared what he saw in China, offering images of a true China in the battle against the disease.

He told the story of some Chinese medical staff dropping off in the meetings with the joint mission because of the exhausting work, and said every person in the country has a sense that they’re mobilized, like in a war against this virus. He believes it is Chinese people’s resilience and dedication that have largely contained the spread of the virus. What the WHO expert captured in China is exactly the spirit of the Chinese nation.

When reporting the positive effects of the lockdown of epicenter Wuhan, Hubei province to prevent further spread, a recent Bloomberg report noted that “the idea of sacrificing one’s self for a greater, national goal is deeply-embedded in Chinese culture.” It coincides with the remarks of Aylward, who described Wuhan as a ghost town, but said behind every window and every skyscraper, there were people cooperating with response.

From the exhausted medical staff who can drop off anywhere at any time, to the constructors racing against time for the early completion of the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan makeshift hospitals, and from the community worker who hung bags of medicines on his body on the way to deliver them to the residents, to the volunteers who work in shifts to guarantee the transportation of supplies and shuttle the medics, these ordinary people, from thousands of families, have rushed to the front line of the battle with extreme selflessness. Their lofty aspiration for the country exactly carries the connotation of the shared destiny.

Chinese people have made arduous efforts, and the nation has always stayed optimistic and resilient, and carried a conviction that it will achieve the final victory over the epidemic.

At the Fang Cang makeshift hospitals in Wuhan, patients and medical staff encouraged each other, and the latter even danced with the discharged patients. No one knows how many sweats and tears were behind such optimism, but it is these tough people who are never defeated by hardships that make China stand sturdily in the world.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres remarked that the Chinese are making efforts for humanity. These efforts could not have been made without the toughness of the Chinese people.

Tiny glows would gather a galaxy as long as every one makes contribution. The heroes going in harm’s way, the volunteers serving the people, the police officers at every checkpoint, the overseas Chinese donating supplies through chartered flights, and the Chinese medical experts flying to other affected countries to offer assistance, millions of Chinese are glowing in this war without gunfire, forming a united and indestructible power to get through the difficult time.

The WHO hailed that China has demonstrated amazing collective actions and the spirit of cooperation. The broad mind and the toughness of the Chinese people are connecting hearts and explaining the shared destiny, demonstrating the spiritual power of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The WHO upgraded the global risk from the outbreak to “very high” when the virus is spreading in multiple countries and regions. At this very moment, China’s actions and experiences are more inspiring for the world.

It is a trial of strength between human race and the virus, and we must stay strong. We must cultivate the awareness of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and work together through weal and woe. It is believed that the community with a shared future for mankind will finally defeat the epidemic and prosper the existence and development of the mankind.

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