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Le centre d'études d'Al Jazeera lance un nouveau livre sur la crise du Darfour

Alwihda Info | Par Issa Abakar - 3 Novembre 2013

Une vue du ciel du Darfour. Crédit photo : Sources
Une vue du ciel du Darfour. Crédit photo : Sources
DOHA - Le centre d'étude d'Al Jazeera a annoncé la publication de son nouveau livre intitulé " Darfour : hasaad al- azma ba'd a'qdin Mina Al-Zaman " (Darfour : Récolte de la crise après une décennie) dans le cadre d'une conférence internationale sur l'Afrique, les dynamiques des conflits et des promesses de renaissance, du 2 au 3 novembre.
Le livre, co-écrit par 12 chercheurs spécialisés présente une vision holistique de la crise du Darfour, sonder ses racines, l'analyse de la réalité qui a émerger sur le terrain au cours de la dernière décennie, le suivi de la dynamique et les répercussions de cette situation.

These in-depth analyses of the crisis proved accurate and objective, providing a general review of the peace efforts and a deep analysis of the internal, external and structural factors (especially the state structure) that have influenced the trajectory of the crisis. Based on these probes and scientific analyses, the book offers suggestions that might bring about a quick solution to this long-running conflict.
This rich-in-content book brings up Darfur conflict as one of the crises of the African continent, highlighting several important issues that go in their significance beyond the local boundaries to tackle problems experienced in more than one place on the continent. The book sheds light on the overall crisis suffered by the Sudanese state regarding legitimacy and representation and the limits of its ability to absorb the numerous identities of the Sudanese population and address the challenges facing the country. Inadequate remedies to address the crisis have caused different forms of problems, foremost of which are the fading chances of keeping Sudan united, due to the political and economic shadows the crisis has cast there. Therefore, there is a need for a new approach to the dynamics of the Sudanese state crisis in light of the changes witnessed over the past decade in Darfur and beyond.
Through its balanced approach and objective and diversified analyses, this book, which was co-edited by Dr. Abdul Wahab Al-Effendi and Dr. Sidi Ahmed Ould Ahmed Salem, embodies the ambition of the Al Jazeera Network to create research platforms and venues for the exchange of ideas and in-depth debates on issues of concern to the Arab and African peoples linked to their destiny.

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