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Through PFI posters, leaders of Indian Muslims doing drama of showing being protector of Muslims / Islam

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 6 Décembre 2017

Bengaluru, India

Sub:- (i)- PFI posters unnecessary, merely petition in SCI for restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque enough (ii)- India will need UNPKF, as Indian security forces will not be enough against rioting Hindutva forces

----As per print and electronic media reports (as one shown at ) the Popular Front of India (PFI), on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition, has displayed posters [in different cities of Uttar Pradesh (U.P), the State in India where Babri-Masjid site is situated] claiming to launch a movement for the reconstruction of the Babri Masjid.

The PFI is headed by E. Abubacker who is also a member of the Executive Committee of All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) as shown at . In addition to many socio-religious and political leaders, journalists etc of Indian Muslim, these two letters / articles ( and ) have been sent to all the Executive Committee members of AIMPLB. Hence the PFI / AIMPLB know that Babri Masjid should be reconstructed before any judgment is given by any court, including by Supreme Court of India (SCI), in civil title suit related to Babri Masjid, because Babri Masjid was demolished on December 6, 1992 in the presence of the Observer of SCI. If PFI (on behalf of Muslims etc) file a petition in SCI for the reconstruction of the Babri Masjid then SCI will have to order the reconstruction of the Babri Masjid because otherwise it will be criminal contempt of court (for lowering the authority of Court) under section 2 ( C) (i) read with section 15 & 16 of the Contempt of Court Act.

When security forces of India as a part of UN Peace Keeping Force (UNPKF) can go in many countries for maintaining peace there is no reason why UNPKF can’t come in India for maintaining peace. But instead of filing petitions in SCI [for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque and for directing Government of India (GOI) to be prepared to requisition UNPKF in case GOI and State Governments find it difficult to handle law & order situation in India when SCI orders for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque and also in case SCI judgment in title suit goes in favor of Muslims] the PFI, through said posters in U.P., is doing drama of showing to Indian Muslims as if PFI cares for the Muslims, for the religious places of Muslims and ultimately for ISLAM.

Of-course Hindus in Hindu majority India have been behaving in a suicidal manner where they, for the last 25 years, have been condoning demolition of Babri-masjid. But at-least Indian Muslims (the followers of Islam which ruled India, in varying degrees, for about 1,000 years) should understand that by damaging rule-of-law India cannot survive. Moreover it is a matter of common sense that if you want to suppress any human group then the best way is to suppress its religion. Therefore if PFI or any other leader of Indian Muslims is really interested in the construction of Babri-Masjid then it / they (in the interest of upholding the rule-of-law’ and avoiding injury to Islam in India) should:-

(1)- File petition in SCI for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Masjid by reconstruction of the Babri-Masjid.

(2)- File another petition in SCI with a prayer to direct GOI to be prepared to requisition UNPKF in case GOI and State Governments find it difficult to handle law & order situation in India when SCI orders for the restoration of status-quo-ante of Babri-Mosque and also in case SCI judgment, in the title suit pending in SCI in appeal, goes in favor of Muslims.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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