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Trump should know encircled China will bring communism in India if rural distress continues

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 4 Avril 2018

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- Encirclement through Quad & ASEAN bound to constrain China to bring India under communist umbrella (ii)- India has gone too far in its anti –China (and anti-Pakistan) policies on the meaningless support & goading of USA (iii)- Anti-rule-of-law & poverty-loving India seems to be poised to repeat history of 1300 years (from 8th to 20th century) (iv)- China can easily bring communism in India if rural distress continues in India (v)- USA & Allies not realizing implications of ~ 40 % of world population under Communism under Chinese influence along with extra $ ~ 16 Trillion Indian State-capital (vi)- If Trump led USA doesn’t give-up obstinacy for exclusive-private-capitalism it will be too late for liberal democratic global order

----The enmity of India with Pakistan is legendary and it got transferred towards China too when India saw China supporting Pakistan (even against Indian interests regarding NSG membership, protection to Pak Jihadi terrorist in UN etc) especially after cozying-up of China to Pakistan after China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor (CPEC, including Gwadar Port). The USA (past master in geo-strategic matters) took advantage of this weakness of India and roped-in India in encircling China. First USA goaded India into Quad (the quadrilateral of USA, Australia, Japan and India) and then goaded India to befriend ASEAN countries which are having tense relations with China due to various economic and strategic reasons. But both USA & India forgot that incensed China will try (with renewed vigor and vengeance) to bring communist revolution in India which has become very easy due to rural distress in India.

The leaders of 10 ASEAN countries (who participated in Republic-Day celebration) may not be knowing (due to their non-perspicacious Embassies in India) that half of India (mainly small and marginal farmers) is starving (extreme malnutrition) and every 30 minutes a farmer commits suicide in India and there is vulgar income inequality in India which is increasing by the day as mentioned at:- OR

It is not known whether USA is also ignorant about said explosive rural distress but even if it is aware of it, the Trump led USA is obstinate in favor of exclusive-private-capitalism (as evident from Trump’s UNGA speech) and for misplaced ideological reasons (without realizing that Americanism is nothing but joint-capitalism) does not want India to recover the said State-capital of Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion (though this immense Stae-capital will solve most of the problems of India). This has made India extremely vulnerable and is also a low hanging fruit for China for the purpose of bringing India under communist umbrella.

There is something in the territory of India that its population (rulers and ruled) gets debilitated within no time. People are puzzled as to how small armies of Muslims (from Central Asia to NAME region) could come and take Hindu rulers one by one and could establish their rule over almost entire India from 8 th to 18th century. Similarly Europeans (especially Britishers) could take Indian rulers (including mostly Muslims) one by one where a clerk of East India Company, Clive (later Lord Clive) could start the process of laying-down the foundation of British Empire from 18th to 20th century in such a vast territory of India (including Pakistan and Bangladesh). Then Hindu majority India started uprooting Britishers but ended in independence by trifurcating the country in 1947 on the basis of religion and if things do not improve then their rule under present structure of Indian State may not last even hundred years.

Even if dereliction on rule-of-law is overlooked, what can be worst commentary on gullible Indians who are thinking that PM Modi is a corruption-free Prime Minister despite protecting ~ 1 million politically powerful tax evaders from whom State capital of Rs ~ 1,000 trillion ought to be recovered (especially when this State capital can solve the problem of majority of the suffering population of India which mainly lives in rural India). Foreign countries need not attack India militarily. Country like China can get political system of India changed from democracy to communism if India continues to neglect economic interest of majority of its population especially in rural areas. We should not forget that Naxalites (Marxists) still have presence in one third of Indian Territory who can easily be used by China to bring communist revolution in India (by exploiting distress in rural India from where fighting forces of military / paramilitary mostly come in India).

Normally Muslims do not like communism as in popular perception Communism is against religion (including Islam). But the way present India is alienating the Muslims not only from Kashmir but also from rest of India the Indian Muslims (especially their militant Jihadis) will be glad to ally with Naxalites not so much to bring communism in India but to humiliate communal Hindus & Hindu majority India. Hence people should keep their fingers crossed because anti-rule-of-law & poverty-loving India seems to be poised to repeat said Indian history of 1300 years (from 8th to 20th century) notwithstanding the bubble (which created by Indian-buffoons will burst any time), of India emerging as dominant-world-power.

The USA and its European and Europe origin Allies (like Australia, New Zealand) are not realizing the implications of ~ 40 % of world population (that too in a contiguous land mass) under Communism under Chinese influence along with extra $ ~ 16 Trillion Indian State-capital. If Trump led USA doesn’t give-up obstinacy for exclusive-private-capitalism and does not ask India to recover Rs ~ 1,000 Trillion State-capital (especially for bringing succor to rural India where two third of India still lives) then it will be too late for liberal democratic global order.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Bengaluru, India

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