The solidarity with the caricaturists of Weekly Charlie must not be interpreted as a green light to attack the religion. Far from there. A lot of voice rose - without being considered to condemn the humiliation of prophet Mohammed by Charlie Hebdo. The freedom of expression dominated but she must be valid for all including to Dieudonné. We wonder why do we insist to strike the sensibilities of the those who believe in the person of the prophet? It's time to set the clock right. Fight the terrorism and prevent the extremists of any edges from taking itself in the religions that they whom(that) is there. Indeed, the condemnation of the terrorism does not have to hide the duty to eradicate the virus by looking first of all for the real origins of the terrorism. It is necessary to get rid of devices(plans) of classic fight against this cancer and to act otherwise(differently) to face there. It is the professional terrorism which sows the terror all around the world. We saw (it) how's that passed to Charlie. France owes show its strategy of counter-terrorism, also and above all create an international committee(commission) compound(made up) of all the socio-professional groups to be able to deal with this plague. It is a question here of making searches(researches) concerning the origin of the toughening of this slice(edge) of Muslim community. The conversion of a person in murderer is not made either without cause and or possibly in a snap of a finger. There are undoubtedly one or several reasons which would urge a father to be converted in terrorist. The fact of not trying to understand the origin of these conversions it is to encourage the terrorism to develop. At present, we retain 2 main factors due to the terrorism: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the absence of democracy in the Arab world. They are two main producing factors of the international terrorism. To pretend to ignore these plagues is a bad.....
Mardi 11 Mars 2025 - 20:39 Décentralisation : Hyacinthe Mba Mbo consigne les dynamiques des acteurs dans une thèse de doctorat PhD |
Mardi 11 Mars 2025 - 10:30 Tchad : plusieurs défis pour les veuves et retraités tchadiens |
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POINT DE VUE - 03/12/2024 - Aliou Tall, Président du RADUCC (Réseau Africain de Défense des Usagers, des Consommateurs et du Citoyen)
Thiaroye 44 : manifeste pour la nationalité française des descendants de tirailleurs
Le Tchad en première ligne : Mahamat Idriss Deby et la lutte contre le terrorisme au Sahel
15/08/2024 - Alwihda
ANALYSE - 11/03/2025 - Abraham Ndjana Modo
Décentralisation : Hyacinthe Mba Mbo consigne les dynamiques des acteurs dans une thèse de doctorat PhD
Tchad : plusieurs défis pour les veuves et retraités tchadiens
11/03/2025 - Richard Korhassem
REACTION - 01/03/2025 - Alwihda
Dr. Ahmat Yacoub Dabio : “L’assassinat de Yaya Dillo constitue une mauvaise image pour le Tchad”
Tchad : clarifications de l'ANAM sur la procédure disciplinaire contre l'ex-Directrice de la Planification
28/02/2025 - Alwihda