English News

U.S. sanctions will become world’s laughingstock: Liaison Office of China’s central gov’t in HKSAR

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 12 Aout 2020

The wicked deed has grossly violated these Chinese officials’ privacy and shown the world how the U.S. can act in total disregard of political and moral bottom lines, the spokesperson noted, adding that such misdeeds will only expose the arbitrary and despicable double standards of the U.S. side, reveal the hypocritical and ugly nature of certain U.S. politicians, and expedite the bankruptcy of their credibility.

By Feng Xuezhi, People’s Daily

As mainstream public opinion has shown, the so-called U.S. sanctions against some Chinese officials are arbitrary and unreasonable, and will only become a laughingstock of the world, said a spokesperson of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in a statement on August 9.

Strong condemnation against the hegemonic acts of the U.S. has been aroused recently in China’s HKSAR, while relevant remarks of the Chinese side have won widespread acclaim from the public opinion and netizens, the spokesperson said.

Relevant departments of the central government in charge of Hong Kong affairs and the HKSAR government have made open response to and expressed strong condemnation against the evil conduct of the U.S., the spokesperson said.

Chinese officials on the U.S. sanctions list expressed no fear for the so-called sanctions in their open remarks in response to the malicious move, showing unshakable resolve and loyalty to as well as strong sense of responsibility in safeguarding the interests of their country and the HKSAR, according to the statement.

Their remarks have been widely reported by Hong Kong media and supported by people from all walks of life. Relevant information has been forwarded online continuously and massively, said the spokesperson.

Such strong public opinion and online voices have once again proven that the Chinese people don’t cave in to threats and that the so-called sanctions are nothing but a joke and a complete farce, noted the spokesperson.

Officials from relevant departments of the central government in charge of Hong Kong affairs and the HKSAR government exercise governance in Hong Kong according to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of HKSAR, the spokesperson said, stressing that they are staunch defenders of the overall interests of Hong Kong and the fundamental well-being of Hong Kong citizens.

The U.S. side was ridiculously distorting facts by claiming that the recent actions taken by China fundamentally undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy and democratic process, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson also pointed out in the statement that the U.S. side is the real destroyer of the democracy, freedom, and high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong, for they have colluded with Hong Kong’s opposition camp in willfully challenging the “one country, two systems” principle and the red line of national security in Hong Kong, causing long-term disturbances in Hong Kong.

It must be grasped that certain U.S. politicians’ attempt to make trouble for China and obstruct China’s development by repeatedly cooking up lies about Hong Kong will be proven futile in the end, said the spokesperson.

Local reactionaries in league with external forces had better wake up before it’s too late, as none of those who jeopardized their country and homeland in disregard of their country’s position and integrity came to a good end in history, noted the statement.

Always boasting about how it values democracy and freedom and respects human rights and privacy, the U.S. recently imposed unreasonable restrictions on Chinese telecommunications and technology companies with the groundless excuse of “data security of U.S. citizens.” It wantonly oppressed these companies and even tried to plunder the assets of a Chinese company, the spokesperson pointed out.

Unmasking its hypocrisy, the U.S. government has even disclosed the addresses and personal information of the Chinese officials on the website of the U.S. Department of Treasury, said the spokesperson.

The wicked deed has grossly violated these Chinese officials’ privacy and shown the world how the U.S. can act in total disregard of political and moral bottom lines, the spokesperson noted, adding that such misdeeds will only expose the arbitrary and despicable double standards of the U.S. side, reveal the hypocritical and ugly nature of certain U.S. politicians, and expedite the bankruptcy of their credibility.

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