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Ungrateful Hindus unconcerned about Pandits of Kashmir from where Hindu soft power came

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 26 Juillet 2018

Bengaluru, India

Dear Editor

Sub:- Panini, Patanjali, Sharangdev etc who gave soft power to Hindus were all from Kashmir (ii)- Lakhs of descendants of these illustrious Kashmiris are refuges in Hindi majority India (iii)- Baba Ramdev should arrange ‘Langars’ for 7 L volunteers & KPs to rehabilitate 5L KPs

--Hindus are never tired of boasting about their soft power and also say that they unlike Muslims are grateful people and always respect their elders / ancestors. As a proof they say that even present day Indian Hindus out of respect to the original leaders have given place in politics to their progenies as in the case of Nehru, Jagjiwan Ram, Biju Patnaik, Charan Singh, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Yadv, Karunanidhi, Sharad Pawar etc . Hindus further boast that even Muslims (who are infamous for killing their elders including fathers since the days of Delhi Caliphate to Mughals) have started, in Hindu majority India, such respect to elders as evident from the case of Sheik Abdullah and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed who’s progenies Farooq Abdulla, Omar Abdulla and Mehbooba Mufti are enjoying political power in J&K.

What to talk of people across the world even in India how many people know that – (i)- Panini, who’s ‘Ashtadhyayi’ is considered the most ‘scientific and flawless treatise on grammar in the world’ without which knowledge of Sankrit (religious language of Hindus including Hindus from South India) is impossible (ii)- Patanjali, who gifted to humanity his ‘Yog Sutra’ (iii)- Sharangdev, who is the father of both Hindustani and Carnatic ‘music’ (iv)- Acharya Abhinav Gupt, one of the greatest scholars of all times, who wrote 46 ‘literary classics’, including the renowned Abhinav Bharti, and ‘His principles of ras are being taught in 80 universities around the world’ --They all were from Kashmir and were KPs Even culturally - (v) Almost the ‘entire body of Sanskrit literature’ has its origins in Kashmir. (vi)- Kashmir was considered the abode of Saraswati, the ‘highest seat of learning in India’ and was also referred to as Sharda Peeth. So much so that when students graduated from Kashi, they took 4 symbolic steps towards Kashmir, denoting their aspiration for higher learning (vii)- Rajtarangini, an authoritative ‘historical tome on the royal lineage of Kashmir,’ written by Kalhans in the 12th century, outlines the greatness of King Lalitaditya, possibly the most powerful Indian Emperor of all times, whose kingdom in the 8th century extended from the Caspian Sea in the North to the Kaveri basin in the South, and included Assam in the East.

But present day ungrateful Hindus have very conveniently forgotten Kashmir and the fact that the Lakhs (hundreds of thousands) of Kashmiri Pandits (KPs) who’s ancestors gave culture and substantial part of Hindu soft power to India are still refugees in Hindu majority India. These KPs were driven out from Kashmir by terrorists since late eighties when KPs were killed, injured, their properties destroyed and looted, even their women raped and molested. The negligence of ungrateful Hindus is all the more unpardonable because during same period Hindutva forces (Sangh Parivar including RSS, VHP, BJP, Shiv Sena etc) mobilized Lakhs of volunteers for demolishing Babri-Masjid and for attended communal riots but they could not send their volunteers in Kashmir to provide protector-companions to beleaguered KPs.

It is not my purpose to strike a personal chord but it is in context to add that I tried in 2002 to send 5 L volunteers with KPs (desirous of rehabilitation) through my then party Shiv Sena and for this purpose SS office bearers (under leadership of SS Delhi State Addl. President) had meeting with office bearers of Kashmiri Samiti, New Delhi (led by its President Mr. Sunil Shakdar) but leadership of Hindutva parties & Hindutva forces did not take interest in rehabilitation of KPs. In 2013 and 2016 also I tried to do the same thing (as mentioned at Report on my visit to Srinagar (J&K), to help solve Kashmir problem - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir and J&K resolve to NOW control politics of India and Pakistan instead of present vice-versa ) but Hindu organizations & institutions did not take any interest in rehabilitation of KPs. Even in 2018 I have been trying to get KPs rehabilitated (as mentioned at OR and ) but Hindus and their organizations & institutions are not taking any interest in rehabilitation of KPs.

At-least Baba Ramdev (who has made lot of money through and on the basis of ‘Patanjali Yoga’) should come forward to mobilize 5 L volunteers to rehabilitate these 5 L (as per KP’s NGOs) KPs. For this Rs 4,000 crores per year will be needed to sustain 7 L people (2 L KPs + 5 Lvolunteers) as mentioned above. The 80 % of Rs 4,000 crores is for food etc and can be taken care by ‘Langars’ (free food refreshment etc) which can be organized by Baba Ramdev through his organizations and institutions and by mobilizing (by Baba Ramdev) various Hindu organizations and institutions.

It is hoped that so much sense of shame & gratitude is left in Baba Ram Dev and in Hindu organizations & institutions and in Hindus that if they do not want the remedy through my proposal (of sending 5 L volunteers as protector companions with 2 L KPs) for rehabilitating 5L KPs then they will do something else which will rehabilitate these KPs. [So that their such & other ordeals may come to an end where according to press-note released by President of AIMCCC Desh Ratan Pandit on July, 25 in presense of Balji, Roop Krishen and Chandra Dhar - “KPs are fighting to get drops of water because government could not arrange drinking water for KPs even after 29 years of exile. KPs are drinking impure water at Jagti camp (largest refugee camp for KPs in Jammu region) but government is mum”]


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee, Minnesota, USA.

Presently at: Bengaluru, India

Pour toute information, contactez-nous au : +(235) 99267667 ; 62883277 ; 66267667 (Bureau N'Djamena)


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