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AfDB: Interview with Bedoumra Kordjé, Chad candidate

Alwihda Info | Par - 23 Mai 2015

Interview with Chad of candidate, Mr. Bedoumra Kordjé.

BAD : L'Afrique en grand et en bloc avec Bedoumra Kordjé, candidat du Tchad
BAD : L'Afrique en grand et en bloc avec Bedoumra Kordjé, candidat du Tchad
Alwihda Info & Anadolu Angency : Selon la candidate capverdienne, Cristina Duarte, il n’est pas question de faire la révolution ni de réinventer la roue de la BAD. Mr Bédoumra, pensez-vous que la reforme stratégique de cette institution est une nécessité pour l’économie africaine ou une option ? Pourquoi ?
My priorities for the bank revolve around a creative consolidation of the bank’s existing strategy. The strategy is less of a concern than the active and dynamic promotion of what we know we must continue to do.  We must reenforce and amplify our work around increased efficiency and excellent governance.  The urgency of development needs across the African continent obliges us to be increasingly energetic and effective on the ground where we are financing partners for projects in transportation, road works, health initiatives, infrastructure, and the environment. With the political will and the resources, the AfDB has the tools to continue its strategy, but also to accelerate development without reinventing the wheel. That is why I have said that African development is at a tipping point.
A host of simple measures that will lighten the administrative and bureaucratic burden of new projects, and speed up our delivery time and cost, is a very good start. 
My priorities have been clear from the beginning: job creation with special attention for youth and women, regional integration – we have to make it a lot easier to travel and do business across our own regional borders, security—because when you are not safe to live and work and study without fear, well, not much else matters!, and of course the development of human capital. All this is a loud call for innovative and creative thinking and energy, and it doesn’t necessitate disruption.  
Les chefs d’Etats et de Gouvernement réunies à la 12ème session ordinaire de la CEMAC qui s’est tenue le 06 mai dernier à Libreville, ont soutenu unanimement la candidature du Tchad à la BAD. Pensez vous que la sous région d’Afrique centrale est déjà un acquis pour les échéances a venir? 
Central Africa is the only sub-region that has never had a president of the African Development Bank. So I do believe that my candidacy brings a fresh regional outlook to this position of continental leadership, and I know that my candidacy is a source of real pride for many. Last week, in Rouen, I  met with a large group of Africans in France. It was very moving hearing how important this candidacy is for the diaspora. I am counting on the diaspora playing an unprecedented role in the next decade in African development. The benefits are mutual and the talent and resources and experience they bring with them cannot be ignored.
Lastly, regarding the concept of regionalism: as important as it is to acknowledge and honor Africa’s many sub-regions and their great cultural and linguistic and traditional diversity, my presidency will be about working together, solidifying the larger meaning of being one continent. This is really the time for putting our collective minds together and thinking in a grander way. We may honor our regional differences but we must celebrate and capitalize on our continental strengths.
Quelle est votre appréciation du mandat de Donald Kaberuka, l’ex président de la BAD ?
I was in Washington DC for the World Bank and IMF Spring meetings in April, and it was really a source of pride to see the great honor that Donald Kaberuka has brought to the African Development Bank, with commemorative celebrations at the Brookings Institute and an awards gala at the very impressive Africare evening with very elequent and apt remarks given by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Nigerian Minister of Finance, and the American investor in Africa Steve Cachin. The praise for Donald has brought the bank with deep and lasting transformation to new heights. Under his mandate the AfDB has recovered its financial solidness, has proven its capacity to mobilize needed resources for the development of member countries, fortified its commitment to the public sector as well as the private sector, and really improved the bank’s visibility and global respectability.
Not to mention the vast strides we have made in infrastructure development, and a new elan in working in conflict areas. Africans everywhere should be appreciative of his achievements.
Le FMI et la Banque mondiale ont annoncé l'atteinte du point d'achèvement de l'initiative des Pays Pauvres Très Endettés (PPTE) par le Tchad le mois passé. En quoi cette étape serait-elle bénéfique pour l’économie tchadienne ?
Reaching the Completion Point first of all allows Chad access to 33 billion CFA francs of IMI resources, with 17 billion available immediately. And, Chad will benefit from 1.1 billion US dollars of external debt. This is a tremendous boost in our ability to address poverty reduction and the promotion of economic growth, rural development, health, education, social protection, and improved governance.
Beyond that, reaching the Completion Point has helped us restore confidence and the esteem of the donor community. I am really proud to have been part of this long and complex process which aside from helping to alleviate poverty will benefit the way that Chad has been able to be an increasingly active member of the international community. A truly historic moment for Chad and a benchmark for a new dynamic for the country’s investment in social improvements that will benefit the lives of millions of Chadian citizens. I’m happy.

Bedoumra Kordjé. Crédit photo : //
Bedoumra Kordjé. Crédit photo : //
Selon RFI, vous êtes l’initiateur d’une grande partie des reformes qui ont permis à votre pays d’atteindre le point d’achèvement de PPTE. Parlez nous brièvement de ces reformes.
The principal reforms include our parliament adopting finance laws which introduced into good practices which conform to international and CEMAC standards.  I was also instrumental in advancing our work in IT so that we have a computerized system of controls and tools to better oversee state expenses since 2014, incuding administrative management and government salaries. This had led to the savings of over 17 billion FCFA per year and the elimination of 5000 state workers who were needlessly on the state payroll.
Our non-oil tax revenues have increased too thanks to reforms and fiscal controls, to the tune of over 15%  more than our 2014 goals.
And of course the implementation of mechanisms for tracking transparently oil revenues which enabled Chad to be eligible for the very important EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative on October 15, 2014.
Mahamat Ramadane
Journaliste-reporter Alwihda Info. Tél : +(235) 63 38 40 18 En savoir plus sur cet auteur

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