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An International Call for Peace: Renowned South Korean Peace Activist to Speak in Cape Town

Alwihda Info | Par josephsuhng - 11 Décembre 2012

An International Call for Peace: Renowned South Korean Peace Activist to Speak in Cape Town
Cape Town, South Africa—Man Lee, Chairman of South Korea’s largest nonprofit organization Mannam Volunteer Association, will speak in Cape Town, South Africa on December 15 in regards to his work with international leaders in Europe, Asia, America and Africa for peace in their nations. The Peace Conference is a part of Chairman Lee’s third world tour and “World Peace Initiative” movement, which brings international leaders and citizens to table talks for peace.

This week, Chairman Lee met with Ethiopian President Girma Wolde-Giorgis to discuss ways of strengthening ongoing efforts toward the reunification of the two Koreas. Chairman Lee stated that Ethiopia’s support is significant in the unification of the Korean nation. In return, President Wolde-Giorgis expressed Ethiopia’s continual interest in maintaining peace between North and South Korea.

Chairman Lee is confident that such discussions for peace amongst world leaders and their citizens will ignite international activism for peace. “He is someone who has been continuously working for world peace. He is the one whom everyone must meet at least once in their lifetime in order to achieve world peace,” said Kim Nam Hee, Chairwoman of Mannam Volunteer Association.

Last month, Lee spearheaded the World Peace Festival held at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul, South Korea hosting 200,000 attendees from 200 countries under the banner of “World Peace, Light and Restoration.” Attendees of various religions participated alongside government officials from Ethiopia, Philippines and Timor-Liste. In addition to those physically present, over 1 million viewers joined over the airwaves and Internet as international press and media broadcast the festivities.

Chairman Lee’s Peace Conference, to be held on December 15 in Cape Town, will be open to the public.

For more information regarding:
Chairman Lee:
World Peace Festival:
Phone: 073-743-8328 (South Africa), 001-310-564-6158 (United States)
Email: [email protected]

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1.Posté par Mo P le 14/12/2012 08:59 | Alerter
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What a wonderful religious leader. If everyone in the world knew that Lee Man-hee is the only way to Heaven, then there would certainly be world peace.

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