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UN should prosecute Indian establishment for ‘Criminal demonetization in effrontery to ICCPR & ICESC’

Alwihda Info | Par - 1 Septembre 2018

Shakopee, MN, USA

Dear Editor

Sub:- (i)- Currency related crimes are only second to genocides (ii)- Present mechanism (for avoiding currency related other crimes against human rights) only needs improvement (iii)- If financial crimes by member States not addressed, UN has no meaning

-----Though human beings have made many inventions beneficial to mankind including through modern science & technology but money / currency remains the most important and uppermost invention without which the entire present civilization of human beings, is impossible. There are two major threats to money / currency one is debauching and other is denying property right of money/ currency to the people.

As far debauching, earlier it was done by adding in coins the baser metals to precious metals like gold and silver but in the modern world it is being done by printing without proper asset back-up the currency M 0 (from which other money M1, M2, M3 etc follows) by mostly misusing fiscal deficits of the governments. Here two examples are sufficient. First from most powerful democracy the USA and secondly the largest democracy, India. In the USA as has been said by a Congressman, even US Congress does not know how much currency is printed by FED through ‘Quantitative Easing’ (QE, the fig leaf of US Government & FED). In India despite Constitutional obligation under Article 292 & 293 regarding public debt (against security of consolidated funds), through the unconstitutional law FRBM India is promoting unethical unbridled usury (interest earning) and illegally increasing public debt. Let us hope in this regard the self-styled ‘Leader of free world’ the USA will take the lead & corrective action and will convert Dollar into global-currency (without which Globalization is impossible) with proper asset back-up with its central bank at UN headquarter or anywhere in USA and its adequate branch offices in all the member countries of UN.

Regarding second threat to currency / money, India has shown to entire world that if this criminal demonetization in India goes unpunished then people in other countries can also suffer hugely through such criminal demonetizations especially which will not be stopped by the State apparatus (including Constitutional / Statutory authorities) of their countries.

This week after release of data by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that practically entire (99.3 %) demonetized (Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 Notes) currency came back to RBI through Banks during demonetization, the opposition parties and other commentators in India are saying that demonetization was a blunder because it harmed the economy and resulted in avoidable hardship to most of ~ 1.3 billion people of India (in which people died in hundreds and even one lady delivered a baby while waiting to get her urgently needed money in the ‘Q’ of a Bank / ATM).

But India is still not discussing that the Constitutional / Statutory authorities who were responsible for stopping this criminal demonetization derelicted and are responsible for this criminal demonetization (by their acts of commission and omission), as mentioned also at and and . Hence these Constitutional / Statutory authorities of India deserve to be prosecuted under law (so that it can act as deterrent in future not only in India but all across the world especially in this age of inevitable Globalization)

The world-community has been prosecuting political, military, judicial and economic leadership of countries for genocides and for other serious crimes during World Wars (in Nuremberg trial etc). Because of their adverse wider impact on millions and millions of people the currency related crimes (like criminal 2016 demonetization in India) are only second to genocides. Hence it is time the United Nations starts the practice of prosecuting Constitutional / Statutory authorities of countries who cause avoidable wide scale sufferings to the people by resorting to unconstitutional and illegal measures in effrontery to ICCPR & ICESC.

Despite Section 12 (a) (i) (ii), (b), (c), (f) of ‘The Protection of Human Rights Act’ (PHRA), the Constitutional and Statutory authorities of India illegally and unconstitutionally caused gross violation of human rights of most of the ~ 1.3 billion people (including deaths of hundreds of Indians) in gross violation of human rights related laws of UN [‘The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’ and ‘The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights’] as mentioned in Section 2 (1) (f) of PHRA.

Therefore United Nations should initiate the prosecution against the Constitutional and Statutory authorities of India [namely the then President, Prime Minister & his Cabinet, Members of Parliament, Supreme Court, RBI, NHRC who all trampled upon Article 21, 300 A, 78, 56 (1) (b), 124 (4) of The Constitution and section 26 (2) of RBI Act and also against Delhi Police which did not initiate proceedings to prosecute these authorities under section 304 A, 34, 166 and 120 (B) of IPC] who all committed effrontery to the said human rights related laws of UN, the ICCPR & ICESC.


Hem Raj Jain

(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)

Shakopee - 55379, Minnesota, USA.

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