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Now Musharraf should come to Pakistan to launch a party for realizing extended-Commonwealth

Alwihda Info | Par Hem Raj Jain - 14 Janvier 2020

The case against former President & Army Chief Gen. Musharraf was unconstitutional / illegal in the first place as was mentioned at . But now Lahore High Court has also said so as reported at and his health is also reportedly improving. Therefore, now Musharraf (at the earliest possible) should come to Pakistan to launch a party and to bring peace, harmony, prosperity and justice in extended-Commonwealth as explained below: -

(1)- First and foremost Musharraf should realize that the military of any country (Pakistan, India etc) always remain prepared to lay down their lives for their country but nowadays especially in democracies the civilian leadership (especially of who’s children, brothers, cousins etc) are not in military tend to unnecessarily precipitate wars even when there is a peaceful alternative. Musharraf being ex-Army Chief knows this fact hence tried to find out a peaceful solution (based on something like four points formula) during his rule.

(2)- Musharraf could not succeed during his rule (from 1999 to 2008) because: -

(i)-There was no need for said four points formula because as per UN resolution 1948 and even as per ‘Instrument of Accession’ 1947 of J&K to India (accepted & signed by then Governor General Lord Mountbatten) the political fate of united-J&K is to be decide by the will of the people (the plebiscite). India keeps on saying that Pakistan sabotaged UN resolution by not vacating its side of J&K hence Musharraf could have easily said that Pakistan will vacate its side of J&K and let plebiscite takes place for the solution of chronic & gory Kashmir problem. Now also Musharraf should work through his new political party (when he comes to Pakistan) for plebiscite in united-J&K.

(ii)- Musharraf could not develop his effective & relevant political party for the simple reason that he also flirted with religion for the simple reason that he also like most of the Pakistanis is unable to understand that in modern world religion is concerned only with other-worldly matters whereas this-worldly matters are the legitimate domain of the State as explained at

(3)- Now the situation has changed as mentioned at or . Hence Musharraf should try to realize extended-Commonwealth (even if presently UK or Harry & Meghan do not try for it because eventually, they will do it). Once Musharraf launches “Commonwealth Party of Pakistan” in India also such party (“Commonwealth Party of India) will immediately be launched which will co-operate with said Musharraf’s party for realizing USFSDRCW (in which Afghanistan and Iran and remaining members of CW can also be requested to join).

(4)- Musharraf should realize that any polity (with genuine sovereignty) is not worth the name if does not have adequate military & economic power to ward-off internal & external threats. The people of entire world (including undivided India) thought after World War II that in this age of democracy the citizens of UN member States (including many of those out of 193 members who, given their size & resources, cannot imagine to be called sovereign countries) will be able to protect their human rights (including as enshrined in ICCPR) through UN, patronized by the USA. But despite many shibboleths (including ‘USA is the leader of free world’) the isolationism is deeply rooted in the minds of the people and government of the USA with the result the USA does not understand the responsibilities of the UN and still gives more importance to the governments than to the people of the member countries of the UN (that too, ridiculously, in this age of democracy).

(5)- It is evident from the fact that the USA could easily say about a non-democratic country Saudi Arabia (SaAr) that –“The USA doesn’t want to take any action against the government of SaAr (which killed so brutally its citizen the Journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018 in the embassy of SaAr in Turkey) because SaAr is purchasing lot of military equipments from the USA”. But when the USA gives more importance to the GOI (the government of India of a democracy of ~ 1.36 billion people) than to its people [as happened when the USA overlooked the destruction of rule-of-law in India by its apex court & GoI in the matters of Babri-Masjid, Kashmir, now CAA / NRC where like GoI the USA also thought erroneously that it is immaterial as it adversely effects MERELY the minorities, the Muslims and not to talk of overlooking by the USA the dereliction of GoI (despite UN Convention against corruption) about non-recovery of Rs ~ 1,000 Lakh crore (Trillion) of Income tax from ~ 1 million tax-evaders (discussed also in Indian Parliament in 2016) though this huge State-capital can easily remove myriad problems of economically humble India] then the USA should be prepared for a situation where democratic India (and other developing countries) will try to develop another political model which will give them sovereignty (through adequate military and other powers) directly and not through the UN / USA. Incidentally the people of Pakistan, India etc are fortunate that they are still member of the Commonwealth.

(6)- Musharraf without bothering about the fate of the special court judgement (in which he was awarded death sentence) should come to Pakistan because once he takes the public stand that all others who supported him in military rule and emergency should be tried with him, if to be tried at all) then the establishment of Pakistan (especially its military) will se to it that nothing adverse worth mentioning happens to Musharraf in Pakistan. Maximum, Musharraf may be kept in so-called ‘house arrest’ till he is cleared off all the (major criminal) cases against him but in this age of IT revolution Musharraf can easily run his said new political party (which is bound to come in power in all the elected bodies of Pakistan through elections, sooner than letter) from his house also.

Therefore Gen. ( R) Musharraf should immediately come to Pakistan for launching his said new political party which will pave the way not only for providing peace, prosperity, harmony and justice to the billions of people of Indian subcontinent but will also go a long way in realizing the ‘New horizon for mankind’ as generally mentioned at without overly relying on UN / USA.


Hem Raj Jain
(Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’)
Shakopee, MN, USA.
Whatsapp: 7353541252 Mo: 9529139676

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