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English News

THAAD deployment threatens peace in Northeast Asia

Alwihda Info | Par peoplesdaily - 4 Août 2016

By Zhao Cheng from People’s Daily

The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system will not neutralize the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missiles, but escalate the tension in the Korean Peninsula, damage regional strategic balance and pose serious threats to security and stability in the Northeast Asia region, People’s Daily warned in an editorial under the byline of Zhongsheng published on Friday.

At the beginning of July, despite explicit opposition from China, Russia and other countries, the US and South Korea announced they would deploy the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea.

As one of the most advanced missile defense system in the world, the THAAD system can intercept incoming short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles flying at high altitudes even outside the atmosphere, read the commentary.

Given its nature as “high altitude area defense” system, employing the THAAD system to shoot down long-range and short-range missiles from North Korea is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, the article said.

“Technically speaking, should South Korea and North Korea engage in conflicts, the long-range artillery and rocket artillery of North Korea are more than enough to contain South Korea,” read the article.

In addition, the farthest distance from the north side to the south side of the Korean Peninsula is less than 900 kilometers, leaving the THAAD system little space to display its power. Therefore, the statement that the system only aims at countering nuclear and missile threats from North Korea and not targets any third country does not hold water.

Denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula is bound up with interests of all sides as it matters not only regional peace and security, but also prosperity and development of regional countries, the editorial added.

“Any acts for private interests or provocation and any behavior that will exacerbate military confrontation, intensify military drills or deploy weapon systems beyond the actual defense needs of the peninsula will force the situation into a more vicious cycle,” warned the People’s Daily piece.

The deployment of the THAAD system will not only force North Korea to advance further with its the nuclear missile program, but imperils regional strategic balance and damage security and stability in the Northeast Asia region.

The editorial also emphasized that the Korean Peninsula will not return to tranquility because of the THAAD deployment. The security of any country should not come at the expense of others. No countries will allow others to trample its legitimate rights and national strategic security interests.

“We must take on a responsible attitude towards international relations and regional issues. Reckless behavior will pay a heavy price,” the article advised.

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